Relevant and well-researched articles on Yoga, Ayurveda, and Philosophy for everyday life.


What is Asamprajnata Samadhi

Two types of Samadhi described in the Yoga Sturas are Samprajnata and Asamprajnata. Both are states of corresponding to the eighth step...
Prasarita Padottanasana-Symmetry

Yoga and Influence of Symmetry on the Spine

Symmetry is visually appealing and we along with other creations of nature have learned to understand it over the eons of our...
Gravity Spine Yoga

Yoga and influence of Gravity on the Spine

Human spine is a formidable structure that rebelled against gravity and gave us the evolutionary breakthrough which no other creature of the...
Buddha-straight spine-nadi

Spiritual Spine and the Pranic Nadi System

Spine is a critical medium for the subtle body as it is the cornerstone of all spiritual development. It is considered a...
Leaf Spine

Physical Spine and the Nervous System

There is nothing that goes on in our body without the brain being involved and there is nothing that goes on in...

Yoga and Evolution of the Human Spine

Recently I was at a family dinner with two adorable bumbling kids – the little girl was excitedly telling me all that...

What is Yoga? The answer is in your spine

Posture or Asana is how our body chooses to take up space in this world; in fact, in evolutionary terms it is...
Dhyana Meditation

What is the difference between Yoga and Meditation

To understand the difference between these two it is first important to clarify the definition of Yoga and Meditation. ‘Yoga’ today can...
Prana Pranic Energy

What is Prana and why it is important in Yoga.

Prana is a derivative of that universal energy which keeps us alive and which we are made out of, which the entire...
Best yoga School

Do you know the Lineage of these popular yoga schools?

I’ve come across a lot of questions asking about how to find the best yoga school which is genuine and authentic. Often the...
Perfect Diet

Secrets of the perfect Diet

Evaluated a dozen diets from Paleo, Atkins, Raw, Fruitarian to Detox, to distill these ten secrets for creating your own personalized diet.
Vrikshasana Beatles Ashram

Inside the Beatles Ashram of Rishikesh

A look inside the intriguing Ashram of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, more famous as the Beatles Ashram of Rishikesh
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