

Philosophy is the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially when considered as an academic discipline.

Sage Galava’s story is fascinating in the bizarre turns it takes so the Sage can fulfill his odd promise to his preceptor. It has often been written about from a mythological as well as a feminist perspective and is even spoken of actively in the #Yoga community –  given that the sage has a popular...
Spirituality is not for losers, but it often loses because of them. The problem is not so much with spirituality but with what people do with it. And very often it is a function of how we got introduced to it. There are three ways for that to happen – (1) by birth/family/culture, (2) due...
Two types of Samadhi described in the Yoga Sturas are Samprajnata and Asamprajnata. Both are states of corresponding to the eighth step of Patanjali's Ashtanga Yoga.  Samprajnata means Samadhi with Prajna or highest wisdom. On the other hand, Asamprajnata has two prevalent definitions because scholars disagree on it.
Buddha-straight spine-nadi
Spine is a critical medium for the subtle body as it is the cornerstone of all spiritual development. It is considered a physical embodiment of the mythological mountain, Meru, which is the centre of all physical, non-physical and ethereal worlds just as the human spine is the axis of our individual and spiritual existence.
Dhyana Meditation
To understand the difference between these two it is first important to clarify the definition of Yoga and Meditation. ‘Yoga’ today can mean either Hatha Yoga (Mastery over body ~ Asanas) or Raja Yoga (Mastery over mind ~ Meditation).