
yoganama, coronavirus breathing exercises
Breathing exercises are a very effective way to keep the lungs healthy and improve our breathing capacity. While regularly doing deep breathing is great for our overall physical and mental health, it has become especially important during the times of Covid-19. Various anecdotal stories have been shared from Wuhan to England where people have shared...
My free 21-Day Pranayama Program called Power of Breath is available on YouTube, click this link to go directly to the list of videos or read the article below to learn more about it first. In my Power of Breath series, you will find 5-10 min Pranayama practice videos to practice each day. These are...
An edited and shorter version of this article has been published by Elephant Journal. Click here to read.  Life is the period between one breath and the next; a person who only half breathes, only half lives – Hatha Yoga Pradipika Breath performs an extremely important role in our life, not only does it have significant...