What's your Ayurvedic Personality Type? Take the Dosha Quiz to find out - Go to Quiz
What's your Ayurvedic Personality Type? Take the Dosha Quiz to find out - Go to Quiz



Yoga is a modern form of hatha yoga and a posture-based physical fitness, stress-relief and relaxation technique.

Dhyana Meditation
To understand the difference between these two it is first important to clarify the definition of Yoga and Meditation. ‘Yoga’ today can mean either Hatha Yoga (Mastery over body ~ Asanas) or Raja Yoga (Mastery over mind ~ Meditation).
Best yoga School
I’ve come across a lot of questions asking about how to find the best yoga school which is genuine and authentic. Often the age of a school is considered a good benchmark of its veracity. However, I feel a better way to identify the best yoga school for you is to look at its lineage. The lineage...
Perfect Diet
Evaluated a dozen diets from Paleo, Atkins, Raw, Fruitarian to Detox, to distill these ten secrets for creating your own personalized diet.
Why I left the Sivananda Teacher Training Course at Neyyar Dam Ashram with-in five days
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