
Chakrasana, yoganama, namita piparaiya
Ayurveda looks at the problems of both the body and mind and recognizes that the two are interlinked. If there’s a problem in the body then the mind is impacted. And if the mind is agitated then the body responds with changes in our hormones and nervous system. With that in perspective, Ayurveda gives recommendations...
Ayurveda Mental Health
Emotional health is as important as physical health but there’s very little awareness about it in our present world. We understand physical diseases a lot better than the ailments of the mind. As a result, we tend to dismiss emotional concerns in ourselves as well as others. In this blog, I’ll share how we can...
Chakrasana, pranayama, sunset yoga
Yoga is a widespread practice today, but for beginners, it can also be overwhelming. There are many different types of Yoga, there are unique and offbeat styles, and it can be both a restorative as well as a very intimidating practice.    Because it is such a vast subject, naturally, it is also surrounded by...
yoganama, coronavirus breathing exercises
Breathing exercises are a very effective way to keep the lungs healthy and improve our breathing capacity. While regularly doing deep breathing is great for our overall physical and mental health, it has become especially important during the times of Covid-19. Various anecdotal stories have been shared from Wuhan to England where people have shared...
My free 21-Day Pranayama Program called Power of Breath is available on YouTube, click this link to go directly to the list of videos or read the article below to learn more about it first. In my Power of Breath series, you will find 5-10 min Pranayama practice videos to practice each day. These are...
Immunity, Covid19, Coronavirus, Coronavirus India
Our Immunity is our body’s defence system which protects us from external invaders that can harm us. We are all born with such an immune system that helps us fight infections. This immunity continues to develop and get stronger throughout our lives as we are exposed to more viruses and bacteria. As long as the...
Dopamine Fasting, Side Plank, Vasishtasana variation, yoganama
Dopamine fasting is a trendy buzzword fast picking up momentum. But there's something much more powerful and effective that we're missing out on.
Reverse Warrior, Blue Dress, Blue Gold, yoga in a dress
Holidays for most people, tend to be a time of excess and indulgence, and therefore, can be challenging from a health perspective. However disciplined and conscious you may be in your day to day life, healthy eating invariably takes a backseat for this brief period. And over the years I’ve learnt it is counterproductive to...
Office yoga, chair yoga
Today we live in a high-stress environment where we often have a lot of things to finish in very little time. Long sitting hours, bad posture, repetitive stress on the joints, excessive use of electronics and mental stress due to a fast-paced life are taking their toll on our health. That is why it is...
In Yoga, it is said that most pranic blockages start in our joints that is why Sukshma Vyayama is done to release any such impurities. Even Ayurveda says that ‘Ama’ or the toxic and undigested waste material tends to settle in the empty spaces of our body – the joints. Physically they provide us with...
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